Marka Spa

Chinese Cupping Massage


Chinese cup massage is a supportive method in eliminating physical and mental complaints by combining and applying the vacuum method of special plastic cups with natural oils, its own special techniques and other massage techniques.

It is the most preferred type of massage, especially by physically intense workers and athletes. It can also be used in combination with Chinese cupping massage and other massage techniques for physical muscle stiffness, muscle stiffness and back pain, allowing complaints and limitations to be minimized or completely eliminated.

Benefits of Getting a Massage;

Although massage is known for its relaxing effect, it actually provides many other benefits. You can make massage, which is good for people both physically and mentally, a routine in your life. Are you ready to meet the secrets of massage that will make it easier for you to overcome the problems of city life?

It is possible to feel happier thanks to massage.

Your Hormones Love Massage… 

Our hormones, which determine how a person feels and are the source of happiness, are nourished by massage. The massage you are used to getting when your neck or back is stiff actually relaxes your soul. According to research, after a massage session, there is a hormone known as stress hormone in the body. cortisol is falling. Moreover Arginine Vasopressin There is also a significant decrease in the hormone called (AVP), which is identified with aggression and supports the increase in cortisol. Adrenalin also falls and the body relaxes. Studies conducted on people anxiety ve depression It reveals that the rate decreases with massage.

Value Your Body; Massage helps reduce the feeling of pain by relaxing the muscles. Massage activity that reduces stress helps eliminate muscle tension. Regional energy blocks, muscle tightness, and stiffness due to wrong movements can be eliminated with the help of massage. Of course, massage is recommended by experts for pain problems.

Get a Massage, Protect yourself from Diseases; When you get a regular massage, the number of lymphocyte blood cells in the body increases and your body’s immune system becomes stronger. This increase, which means a stronger defense system against diseases, is proof that massage should be included in your life routine.

Say Goodbye to Skin Problems; Thanks to the massage, wrinkles and scars decrease.

It is known that massages performed in a sterile environment and with the correct technique help renew the skin surface. Especially in the Far East, women have been applying skin products to the skin with a massage that lasts for minutes for centuries. Research shows that massage, which is said to be the secret to fewer wrinkles and smoother skin, also helps repair scars on the body with the special oils and creams used. The skin stimulated by massage is renewed by secreting more collagen. In massages called aromatherapy supported by herbal oils, the nourishing effect of the oils helps to renew the skin.

Relax with Massage; You may have heard people who go to a massage say, “It relieved my tiredness.” Science also confirms the effect of massage on relieving fatigue. Physical fatigue caused by long-term use or strain of muscles is relieved by massage. Lactic acid and similar biochemicals produced during muscle activities also contribute to the feeling of fatigue. Massage movements, stroking and rubbing help disperse these biochemicals in the muscles, thus relieving the feeling of regional fatigue.

Stand tall against life; The effect of massage on posture disorders and spine health also stands out. Massage performed by a specialist helps improve posture and stand more upright. Massage movements targeting both the skeletal and muscular systems yield results with regular sessions. Post-exercise back pain, especially during sports activities used to improve posture, can also be relieved with massage.

Improve Your Quality of Life; Sleeping patterns, which affect the entire quality of life, can be put on track with massage. Research proves that a massage session applied once a day for 5 weeks provides serious improvement in sleep problems. You can resort to massage if you have problems with sleep disruption or difficulty falling asleep.

Is it possible to lose weight with massage? We know that massage helps regional slimming. Expert masseurs support slimming and slimming by increasing blood circulation, with the help of special techniques they apply to the subcutaneous tissues and muscles, and the oils and apparatus they use.

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