What is Pilates? What are the benefits of Pilates?

Pilates is known as a physical fitness system developed by German physical trainer Joseph Pilates. Pilates, which provides physical training for the body, thus provides flexibility to the body, increases muscle strength and provides healing for pain in the body. Pilates, which is done with or without equipment, can be applied by healthy people who do not have any injuries in the body.

What is Pilates? What is Reformer Pilates? What are the Benefits of Pilates? How to Do Pilates Movements? How to Start Pilates? What is Pilates?

  1. Pilates, developed by Joseph Pilates, a German physical trainer, author and inventor in the 19th century, is a physical fitness method applied to increase body flexibility and muscle strength. It is also known that Pilates relieves pain in the body.

    Pilates, which was first developed to heal dancers’ injuries, evolved into a physical fitness method over time and began to be applied as a method for body flexibility, muscle strength and pain relief.

    The main benefits of Pilates include improving body flexibility, increasing muscle strength, providing pain relief, eliminating posture disorders, providing breath control and improving mental health. In addition, Pilates is also good for the body’s balance and coordination system.

    However, Pilates should be applied under the guidance of experts on the subject. Pilates movements applied by the person on their own can both cause the effects of the benefits to be less visible and increase the risk of injury due to incorrect movements.

What is Reformer Pilates?

Reformer Pilates is equivalent to equipment Pilates. Equipment Pilates is done with a simple yoga mat or with some equipment. These movements generally aim to increase body flexibility and muscle strength, correct posture disorders and eliminate existing pain. Doing it with an expert Pilates instructor will give healthier results.

What are the Benefits of Pilates?

    • Pilates basically increases body flexibility and muscle strength. In addition, pilates increases body endurance, is good for body pain, eliminates posture disorders, provides breathing control, increases motivation, regulates mental health and provides the person with high energy.
      Pilates benefits can be listed as follows:
    • Pilates increases body flexibility
    • Strengthens muscles
    • Reduces pain due to muscle tension
    • Pilates corrects posture disorders
    • Provides balance and coordination
    • Controls breathing
    • Regulates mental health by increasing motivation
    • Pilates gives the person high energy
    • Pilates increases body flexibility
    • The stretching movements performed in Pilates enable the body muscles to become more flexible. This allows muscles to relax, prevents injuries and maintains the body’s mobility.
    • Strengthens muscles
    • Pilates is also a physical activity that activates the muscles. During pilates exercises, muscles are activated and gain strength.
    • It is good for body aches
    • Pilates, which activates the musculoskeletal system, is a useful set of exercises, especially for people suffering from back pain.
    • Pilates corrects posture disorders
    • Pilates eliminates posture disorders by strengthening the body trunk and core, helping the body to have a more upright appearance.
    • Provides balance and coordination
    • One of the most important benefits of Pilates is that it focuses on the body’s core strength. Pilates strengthens the center known as the core area, thus making it easier to achieve a healthier body structure by providing balance and coordination.
    • Controls breathing
    • Another benefit of Pilates is that it improves breathing control. It allows you to breathe more powerfully with correct movements and breathing exercises.
    • Regulates mental health by increasing motivation
    • One of the most important effects of Pilates is that it regulates mental health. Pilates, which distracts the person from bad thoughts and ensures correct breathing, is thus considered a motivation-enhancing power. As motivation increases, stress level decreases.
    • Pilates gives the person high energy
    • Pilates has fatigue relieving properties and provides high energy to the person.

How to Do Pilates Movements?

  • Pilates can be done either at home or in a private center. For this, you first need a yoga mat. Then, breathing is controlled and the movements are started. When doing Pilates, it is important that the movements be performed under the guidance of an expert.
  • Pilates movements essentially include the following elements:
  • Correct breathing
  • Positioning for movements
  • Correct use of muscles
  • Rib and scapula stabilization
  • Correct adjustment of movement and break times
  • Performing Pilates movements at regular intervals

How to Start Pilates? The Right Pilates Guide

Before starting Pilates, it is necessary to consult a professional who is an expert in the subject. A Pilates instructor guides the person on how to do Pilates and the correct movements. Afterwards, it is important to start Pilates slowly and in a controlled manner instead of heavy and tiring movements. Pilates can be started with either a useful mat or with reformer Pilates.

In light of all this, the most important tip about Pilates is that it should be done consciously. Pilates done consciously allows the potential benefits to take effect more quickly.

How to Start Pilates? The Right Pilates Guide

Before starting Pilates, it is necessary to consult a professional who is an expert in the subject. A Pilates instructor guides the person on how to do Pilates and the correct movements. Afterwards, it is important to start Pilates slowly and in a controlled manner instead of heavy and tiring movements. Pilates can be started with either a useful mat or with reformer Pilates.

In light of all this, the most important tip about Pilates is that it should be done consciously. Pilates done consciously allows the potential benefits to take effect more quickly.

What are the benefits of Pilates?

Pilates is primarily an exercise that increases body flexibility. In addition to strengthening the muscles, Pilates is also a pain reliever, eliminates posture disorders and is good for stress.

What are the benefits of Reformer Pilates?

Reformer Pilates, also known as Pilates with equipment, includes equipment specially produced for Pilates. With this equipment, difficult movements are made easier and more effective. The person placed on a horizontal platform tries to make more difficult movements compared to the movements made on the mat. This aims to increase body endurance and achieve a more flexible appearance.

Does Pilates shape the body?

Since Pilates is an exercise that includes benefits such as flexibility, body endurance and muscle strengthening, it also has a body-shaping feature.

Does Pilates help you lose weight?

Pilates strengthens muscles and provides flexibility rather than burning fat. It burns calories but does not have a great effect on losing weight.