What is sauna? What are the benefits? What is the use of sauna?

Sauna is a therapy method performed in a wooden room dried at high temperatures and has many benefits. First, sauna use can reduce stress levels; High temperatures can help combat stress by relaxing muscles and creating an overall feeling of relaxation. At the same time, it can reduce muscle tension and relieve pain. Sauna can help deliver more oxygen and nutrients to body tissues by increasing blood circulation. It also contributes to the removal of toxins from the body by accelerating the sweating process.

It may support the immune system and heart health. Sauna, which is also effective in skin care, can improve skin tone by cleansing the pores. However, it should not be forgotten that sauna use may harm some people. It is especially important for individuals with heart problems or serious health conditions to get a doctor’s approval first. Drinking enough water and not exceeding the recommended periods are also important rules for safe use.

What is Sauna?

Sauna is a therapy and relaxation practice performed in a steam environment created by pouring water on stones dried at high temperatures in a special room, usually made of wood. Saunas generally have a temperature range around 70 to 100 degrees, offering an environment where the environment has relatively low humidity levels due to the influence of steam.
Sauna provides many benefits by increasing body temperature. These benefits include relaxation of muscles, reduction of stress, increased blood circulation, removal of toxins through sweating and cleansing of the skin. Sauna may also support the immune system and heart health.

What are the Benefits of Sauna?

  • Stress Reduction: High temperature induces relaxation in the body and can reduce stress levels. Time spent in a sauna can help cope with stress by providing mental and emotional relaxation.
  • Muscle Relaxation and Pain Reduction: Sauna can relieve tension and relieve chronic pain by relaxing muscles. Heat can increase blood circulation, helping get more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.
  • Improving Circulation: High temperature can increase blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. This may contribute to the delivery of more oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
  • Toxin Elimination: Sweating can help remove toxins from the body. Sauna accelerates the sweating process by opening the pores of the skin.
  • Strengthening the Immune System: Sauna use can stimulate the immune system by increasing body temperature. This may increase resistance to infections.
  • Skin Care: Sweating can help cleanse the skin. It can also contribute to keeping the skin young and healthy.

What are the benefits of sauna for skin?

  • Regular use of sauna can have various benefits for the skin. Here are some of the positive effects of sauna use on the skin:
  • Opening the Pores: Sauna expands the pores of the skin by increasing body temperature. This can help the skin breathe better and remove toxins more effectively.
  • Cleansing and Detoxification: Sauna use can contribute to the removal of toxins from the body through sweating. Sweat can remove dead skin cells and other contaminants from the skin’s surface.
  • Increasing Skin Blood Circulation: High temperature can increase blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. This can help deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, which can contribute to a healthier and more vibrant appearance.
  • Acne and Pimple Control: Sauna can contribute to acne and pimple control by helping cleanse the skin. Opening pores and sweating can reduce oil accumulation in the skin.
  • Improving Skin Tone: Sauna can help even out skin tone. Regular use can contribute to the skin looking brighter and more vibrant.
  • Increase Elasticity: Sauna use can increase skin elasticity. High temperature can help skin look more supple and younger.
  • Fight Stress: Sauna can reduce overall stress levels. Stress has negative effects on the skin, so regular sauna use can positively affect skin health.
    However, the effects of sauna use on the skin may vary from individual to individual and may not produce the same results for everyone. It is also important to use products suitable for your skin type and drink enough water before using the sauna. Additionally, it is important to consult a doctor before starting sauna use, taking into account your health condition.

Who is Sauna Not Suitable for?

  • Sauna can be a relaxation and health practice for many people; However, it may not be suitable in some situations or for people with certain health problems. Some situations that should avoid sauna use include:
  • Heart Problems: It is important for people with conditions such as heart disease, heart failure, coronary artery disease to consult their doctor before using sauna. High temperatures and stress can put extra strain on the heart.
  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): Individuals with high blood pressure should consult their doctor before using sauna. Sauna can increase blood pressure, which can make hypertension worse.
  • Chronic Respiratory Problems: Those with respiratory problems such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may be affected by high temperatures and low humidity levels. Therefore, one should not consider sauna use before consulting a doctor.
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, excessive body temperature can be dangerous and therefore sauna use is not recommended.
  • Even before and after pregnancy, sauna use should be avoided without consulting a doctor.
  • Hunger State: It is important for individuals who are starving to avoid sauna use. Sauna may worsen these conditions by increasing body temperature.
    Skin Problems: Those with skin infections, open wounds, or serious skin problems should avoid using saunas. High temperature can make such conditions worse.

Saunaya Girmeden Önce Nelere Dikkat Edilir?

  • Saunaya girmeden önce alınması gereken bazı önlemler ve dikkat edilmesi gereken faktörler şunlardır:
  • Sağlık Durumu ve İlaçlar: Saunaya girmeden önce sağlık durumunuzu değerlendirmek önemlidir. Özellikle kalp rahatsızlıkları, hipertansiyon veya kronik sağlık sorunları varsa, doktorunuza danışmalısınız. Ayrıca, düzenli olarak kullandığınız ilaçları gözden geçirmek ve sauna kullanımının bu ilaçlarla etkileşip etkileşmediğini bilmek önemlidir.
  • Susuzluk ve Hidrasyon: Sauna, vücuttan sıvı kaybına neden olabilir. Bu nedenle, saunaya girmeden önce yeterli miktarda su içmek önemlidir. Sauna sonrasında da vücudunuzun kaybettiği sıvıyı geri kazanmak için bol su içmelisiniz.
  • Açlık Durumu: Saunaya aç veya çok aç girmek, kan şekerinin düşmesine ve baş dönmesine neden olabilir. Hafif bir atıştırmadan veya hafif bir öğünden sonra sauna kullanmak daha uygun olabilir.
  • Cilt Temizliği: Sauna kullanmadan önce duş almak, cildinizdeki kiri ve yağı temizlemeye yardımcı olacaktır. Temiz bir cilt, saunadan daha fazla fayda sağlar.
    Sauna Kuralları ve Sınırlamalar: Sauna kurallarına ve belirli sınırlamalara dikkat etmek önemlidir. Belirli bir süreden fazla veya sağlık için uygun olmayan sıcaklıklarda kalmaktan kaçının. Sauna kurallarını ve sınırlamalarını yerine getirmek, güvenli ve etkili bir deneyim için önemlidir.
  • Gözlük ve Takılar: Gözlük ve takılar, yüksek sıcaklıklarda veya terleme durumlarında rahatsızlık yaratabilir. Bu nedenle, mümkünse saunaya girmeden önce gözlükleri çıkarmak ve takıları çıkarmak iyi bir fikirdir.
  • Uygun Giyim: Saunaya girmeden önce uygun giyim seçmek önemlidir. Genellikle sauna kullanımı sırasında havlu veya özel sauna giyimini tercih etmek daha uygundur. Rahat ve hafif kıyafetler seçmek, sauna deneyiminizi daha keyifli hale getirebilir.
    Bu önerilere uyarak, sauna kullanımınızı daha güvenli ve keyifli bir hale getirebilirsiniz. Ancak, herkesin sağlık durumu farklı olduğu için, özellikle sağlık sorunları varsa önce bir doktora danışmak önemlidir.