What are the benefits of a shock shower?

Before having a shock shower manufactured, we strongly recommend that you thoroughly research the effects of a shock shower on the human body. In addition to the benefits they provide to the human body, shock showers also have disadvantages.

Shock shower, in short, got its name from the effect of cold water on the human body. Using a shock shower increases your heart rate and breathing rate considerably. Our body forces our metabolism to work harder while under the influence of the shock shower in order to maintain its temperature. Increased oxygen use with increased heart rhythm reduces inflammation of wounds. In addition to this effect, it also has many effects on skin health.

This shocking cold minimizes the edema in our body. With the effect of the shock shower, our blood is removed from the inflamed areas in our body. It prevents inflammation in our aching muscles, hands and feet. 

Due to the increase in blood flow rate, our body allows the respiratory tract to expand to provide more oxygen. As we breathe deeply and blood circulation accelerates, more oxygen is carried to our cells. It causes them to work better thanks to the excess oxygen. 

Shock shower causes blood pressure to increase. The increase in blood pressure increases in our white blood cells at the right rate. Increasing white blood cells, which help protect us from diseases, is very beneficial for our health. 

Cold showers also have some disadvantages.  We should avoid staying in shock showers for long periods of time, which significantly reduces our body temperature. You should be careful not to lower the temperature of the shock shower below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 

You can clear your mind with the shock shower effect. It releases endorphin hormone, which increases your happiness and reduces your stress and depression symptoms. It is also known that shock shower has a cellulite-reducing effect and heart rhythm-regulating effect. In addition, shock shower gives vitality and freshness to the skin and reduces hair loss.

Consult your doctor before using shock showers.