Marka Spa

Volcanic Hot Stone Massage

What is traditional VOLCANIC HOT STONE MASSAGE (hot stone therapy)?

Volcanic Hot stone massage is a type of massage where different techniques are applied. The therapist places hot stones on certain parts of the body and also applies different massage techniques. Aromatic oils are also used in this massage. The stones used during the massage are flat and contain a type of volcanic rock called basalt. The biggest reason for choosing volcanic stones is that these stones retain heat. Although it is thought that hot stone therapy was first used by Therapist Mary Hanigan in 1991, it is known that its real history dates back 2,000 years ago to China. Later, it was used in many cultures such as India, Africa, Egypt and America. Periodic application of stone therapy is effective in relieving chronic problems.

How is hot stone massage applied?

For hot stone massage, the stones are prepared in advance so that they can reach the appropriate temperature. Accordingly, the stones are placed in water before application. Afterwards, it is applied to many points such as feet, hands, face, abdomen and back. With the heat absorbed from the stones, blood circulation is accelerated and muscles, tissues and cells are supplied with oxygen (thermotherapy). Additionally, heating the stones in water also has a healing (hydrotherapy) effect. Although some therapists use the places we have just mentioned, with anatomical knowledge, during hot water massage, some therapists may use different points to ensure the body’s energy balance. This type of massage uses classic Swedish massage techniques such as long strokes, rolling and kneading. As the stones relax the muscles and increase blood circulation, the therapist can intervene comfortably without creating excessive pressure.

Benefits of massage with Volcanic Hot Stone:

hot stone massage ”hot stone therapy” It is a massage technique applied with hot, volcanic or different types of stones. During the massage, the therapist places hot stones on specific points of your body. Since the stones used have their own temperature, the muscles begin to warm up and the body begins to relax. It maintains their temperature throughout the massage and prevents these areas from cooling down and reducing flow. In this way, the therapist can effectively intervene in the heated area.

Hot stone massage has multiple benefits.

  • Pain:Research shows that hot stone massage can provide relief from symptoms of diseases such as fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, it has pain-relieving properties regardless of whether you have any disease or not.
  • Stress:As with all types of massage, hot stone massage also has a stress-relieving effect. It is known to reduce stress and anxiety as it improves cardiovascular health.
  • Joint: As muscles contract, they shorten. Shortened muscles mean loss of joint space. However, the muscles opened by hot stone massage increase joint flexibility and openness.
  • What: As we said in the previous article, muscle tension increases due to sports, posture disorders and wrong life habits. Unless the shortened muscle returns to its normal length, it can cause muscle spasm and tension. At this point, hot stone massage is perfect for relieving pain.
  • Sleep: Many people have insufficient and unhealthy sleep due to problems such as stress, tension, muscle and joint pain. However, with hot stone therapy, many obstacles to quality sleep are eliminated.
  • Immunity: As blood circulation increases, immune system cells are activated and the immune system is strengthened.

In addition to these, hot stone massage; It supports the elimination of toxins, accelerates metabolism, increases respiration, helps remove negative energy from the body, and is perfect for energy balancing.

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