Shock Pool

In today’s busy and stressful business life, experts strongly recommend sauna-like places that people prefer to remove toxins from their bodies and rejuvenate in a short time. After leaving pleasure environments such as Turkish bath, steam room and sauna, which are among the indispensable relaxation environments, all muscles are relaxed. In this case, the only thing needed is a shock pool environment. These pools are designed taking into account the human body’s reactions to hot and cold. The skin, whose pores are opened in a hot environment, is cleaned. The body needs extreme cold in order for the cleaned pores to close again and the skin to tighten.

What is a Shock Pool?

Applications used to tighten muscles that are relaxed in hot environments are called cold shock applications. As a result of the expansion of the vessels due to the high temperature in the sauna environment, toxins are excreted. When you enter the pool, blood circulation in the relaxed muscles accelerates, nerve endings are stimulated and pain ends. In this way, the enlarged veins contract, the body gains resistance and the metabolism is strengthened. The ideal shock pool water temperature should be between 15 and 16 degrees.

What are the Benefits of Shock Pool?

The use of a shock pool is thought to be beneficial for people with a sedentary lifestyle, such as office workers who sit for long hours. Benefits of this app include: 

  • It helps cleanse the body of toxins by accelerating blood circulation.
  • It accelerates the healing process by ensuring that oxygen and nutrients reach the muscles faster.
  • It strengthens the immune system.
  • It reduces stress and increases energy levels by increasing adrenaline.
  • It accelerates metabolism, regulates it, and eases digestion.
  • It helps tighten the enlarged pores on the skin surface.
  • A rejuvenated appearance is achieved thanks to fast and effective skin care.
  • Mental and spiritual relaxation is experienced as it creates a kind of therapeutic effect. 
  • Although it is an application that provides many benefits for your body, it is important to use it correctly. When used in a controlled manner, it can be seen to have positive effects on physical health.

Who Cannot Enter the Shock Pool?

There are some points that some people should pay attention to before entering the shock pool. This application may not be suitable for everyone, as it occurs when a person who has been exposed to a high temperature environment for a long time suddenly enters a low temperature environment. It is recommended that individuals with chronic diseases consult their family physician or specialist physician. Among people who are not recommended to enter cold water suddenly: 

  • Those with heart diseases,
  • Hypertension patients,
  • Those with serious breathing problems,
  • pregnant women,
  • Unless recommended by a doctor, children
  • There are people who are sensitive to cold.
  • If you have any health problems or concerns, you should consult your doctor before undergoing the procedure. Since there are differences between children and adults in terms of both body temperature and other vital functions, shock pool therapy is not recommended for children under the age of 16.